
hi. i'm 15 years old and i'm pretty mature for my age. i was just wondering if it is appropriate for me...just so you know what kind of movies i've seen...Happiness, Irreversible, etc...

much appreciated


Er...hard to say, Irreversible is very glossy in comparison and the special effects are much more convincing but Nekromantik has a certain underlying vibe to it that might unsettle you a bit.

Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?


To give someone another idea of what i can handle...i read the book The Most Beautiful Woman In Town...which is really *beep* up, but it is great...if you haven't read it you must


If you have to ask probably not, I'd wait, you aren't missing much. Also, this is more of an "art" film, and if you are not too aware of that, you may get bored and think it's shock for shock's sake.


I understand art films, some of my favorite movies is Eraserhead, The Holy Mountain, El Topo, The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Clean Shaven...I don't get bored at all, unless it's like a movie with total cliche's, then i would get bored.


Did you really think you would be able to get an answer by asking a bunch of anonymous strangers on the imdb message board, or did you just want to brag about how hard core you are?


Just go ahead and watch it, if you enjoyed Clean Shaven I think you'll cope.

Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?


If you like these surreal art films and Charles Bukowski, I say take a shot at it. You seem like a cool kid who obviously isn't oblivious to his surroundings... although the need to ask about anything being appropriate is meaningless.

"Tricks are something a whore does for money... or candy!"



Sweetie, this film disturbed me and I'm a 32 year old horror fan. Although, to the adults out there... it was great, decent acting, symbolism and parallels, and very effective music. For a piece of crap, it ain't so bad., the Cult Classics Cosmos!


Even Steve Wilkos disturbs you, get lost you disgusting inkskin.



You hate me because I'm beautiful don't you?, the Cult Classics Cosmos!


I don't even hate you. I'm just picking on your because STEVE RULES!!!



Honestly I think you should wait until you're at least 18. It's just because I find movies more enjoyable now that I'm older, and this movie isn't really appropriate for a teen at all.

