Where can I get this?

It's on Amazon and eBay for assloads of money. People here talk about buying it from xploitedcinema, but it's out of stock there. And someone mentioned getting it from the director's website. I can't find this site. Where can I get this without spending a fortune?

Remember that time I ate your family?


i would also like to know.. someone answer...


Barrel's DVD is out of print. You won't find it in stock anywhere. In the current market, you are going to have to pay around $60-70, minimum, for an original DVD.


I did find the director's site:


I didn't look around, so I have no idea if it is current.


Jorg's got a Myspace page, you can talk to him directly there :)

Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?




Not in stock, and hasn't been for ages.



Like I said,talk to the man :)

Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?
