Am I the only one?

Am I the only person who loves this movie? The soundtrack rocks too, sure wish I knew where to get a copy. Anyway, any fellow movie lovers out there who love this movie, please reply back.



No you're not, Yes i admit i also loved this movie. I thought coming off his family ties gig Scott valentine was awesome, and I guess after all these years i still have the hots for Michelle Little. Its a great date movie and it teaches abstinence through (sex is bad, bad). jaja.



I always thought this was a really good, funny movie. I get a kick out of watching it. If I ever catch it on I have to stop what I am doing and enjoy it.

Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?
The Breakfast Club


I have seen this movie a 100 times (probably more) and the answer for you question is:


It is great!

It's too bad you cannot get it here in Europe anymore...


I Love this movie always have always will. it is a true classic film.I seen it for the first time when i was about 7 and watch it every chance i get.


I just bought this movie on VHS 'cause my old copy is worn out. I have always loved this movie. Too cute!

"They only mock that which they don't understand."



I adored this movie as a weird sexually precocious kid. I can't believe it actually exists- I thought I'd imagined it, though, as all searches for Demon Man and Monster This Or That proved fruitless. Thank God for for showing me that I didn't go mad as a child and invent a movie about a guy who turns into a demon when he gets his freak on.

Also, am totally ashamed that this theme plays a lot through most of my writing.


Haven't seen it in years but I remember thinking it was pretty cool with some bizarre special effects.



I love this movie! I have loved it since I first saw it in the 80's,I used to rent it all of the time and then bought my own copy from Amazon years ago,it is so entertaining and fun!

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it"


I love it! Always have. :-)
