DVD Version

Does anyone know if this is going to be available on DVD in the near future?



Where did you find this information? I've searched all over Amazon.com and the internet to confirm this. This is my most wanted DVD movie. -Mike


Mine too! I really want this on DVD! I can't see the original DVD coming this summer info - can you tell me what it said?


this movie needs to come out on dvd! all the crappy movies they put on dvd but this one is ignored....


This movie has had a DVD release in Europe under it's alternative title 'HomeFront'. It is a remastered full frame version with the original theatrical trailer and unremovable subtitles.


Morgan Stewart's coming home is without a doubt an inderappreciated, and overlooked gem of a little comedy classic. Just a real fun movie to watch, nothing offensive, good for the whole family, well maybe not the shower scene with the girl and all, but you got the picture. Let's hope when they do decide to release it, that they don't butcher it like they slaughtered "Hiding Out". Have you seen how poorly they did that one on dvd?! Hardly any, any special features to speak of! A real diservice to that fine film. I haven't heard any info on any release dates for MSCH, but any info from one and all would be greatly received!


And yet for 'Hiding Out' there was a tie-in music video for Catch Me I'm Falling. The european DVD release of 'Morgan...' does contain the trailer and the movie is the U.S. edit, not the one released in the U.K. which has slight song changes and alternative footage during the Washington night scene.


It just got released in Australia under the title Home front. It is wide screen with not features but under $10.


LIONSGATE will be releasing this, Hiding Out, and a few other 80s titles early next year. I have VERY reliable information. As in... I've seen the creative briefs.


You are correct. Lionsgate released the info. Coming out on DVD April 14th!


I must've missed the releases! I am sure I'd have bought both HIDING OUT and MORGAN STEWART'S COMING HOME.
I will look again once I get the funds to purchase them.

"What time is Recess?"
