MovieChat Forums > The Monster Squad (1987) Discussion > Anyone else think this holds up very wel...

Anyone else think this holds up very well?

I mean there is certainly a lot of dialogue you couldn't get away with now (e.g. Dracula calling the 5 year old girl a bitch), but the movie is such a great homage to classic horror films, and it's amazing how scary this film was, given that it was made for kids.

This to me is like the Stand by Me of horror films.


Yup, it's still a great film, particularly compared to similar, newer films, like Super 8.


I am watching this now and completely agree, I swear jake Anthony I literally just told my girlfriend she would like this because it is similar to super 8


One of the greats in my mind!

In 2007 My mother bought me the DVD 20 year that was released on my brithday! I was so excited!! lol The DVD was amazing I have watched The Monster Squad a hundred times, and this DVD really takes the cake, I watched it on TV once and the version they showed sucked it made the movie look bad and that was after 2007!! My old VHS recording played better!!

They stopped selling it but I got a copy and I am very happy for that! Best gift ever far as I am concerned.


I remember growing up magic in movies my imagination on fire I can still see some of that magic.


Super 8 was terrible. This movie is at least twice as good.


I'll say yes. Watched it last night for the first time in 25 years and like it more now than I did as an 18 year old.

..."Never do today what you can always do tomorrow. Gives you something to look forward to...


I love this movie, shared it with my kids now sharing it with my grandson!


I still love it. Showed it to a 9 yr old last night and she wanted to watch it again right away! So yes, it still holds up great...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


It's still pretty entertaining. I don't think they do enough with the monsters, though. They're largely gimmicks in this movie. Still cool, of course.


I saw it (again) yesterday on tv. And i was amazed that still pretty fun to watch.
It aged so well.

Sorry my bad english.


Don't apologize, your English is great. :) Thank you for your post.


Nope lol. Stand By Me is a classic. I thought this was pretty average personally. Very surprised by the rating. Guess you had to of grown up with it.


oh god no. In fact I was coming here with the intent of starting a thread to point out the degree to which this does NOT hold up. Granted I might've only ever seen this once when I was a kid (and I'm 38), because literally the only thing I've ever remembered from it over the years was the infamous "wolfman's got nards!" line, but I just took in a fresh, full viewing.

First of all, the entire first half of the movie is practically a snoozefest. I was just about an hour in and wasn't even sure I wanted to continue. The older, "cool" kid (though who blatantly dresses like a 50's greaser in the mid 80s), inexplicably wants to hang out with and join up with the loser, nerdy kids' club. ohhhhh kay... Then toss in why the Corey Haim-lookalike would be wanting to see a photo of his own sister topless lol

I don't know, it just seems like this was a big deal back at the time, to get all of these big name monsters in the same film for kids to battle, but ultimately it's pretty lazy and cheezy (even for the 80s) writing all around. All the more surprising that it partly comes from Shane Black.

When I read the news the other day that a remake on this was supposedly totally dead, and so many guys cried out in happiness because the movie was too sacred for such a thing, actually this might be the very best type of movie TO be remade. Not unlike the original Ocean's 11, a really interesting core concept, but boring, tired execution. But, since Universal is doing their rebuilding thing with Alex Kurtman anyway, it likely wouldn't be happening. This was quite the disappointment to revisit all these years later.
