MovieChat Forums > Matewan (1987) Discussion > Was that little preacher kid

Was that little preacher kid

Played by Jake Busey?


The characters name is Danny played by Will Oldham. See credits. He was 16 at the time which makes him about 35 now.


you confused Bonnie Prince Billy with Jake Busey!?! Blasphemy!!


I was making fun of his teeth.


took me 8 months to stumble onto this board. Will Oldham seems to be more into music than acting in his years since Matewan (hence, bonnie prince billy). This year he is in the wonderful, quiet, little seen film "Old Joy" which I finally saw last night. That's why I'm on this board. As I watched 'Old Joy' I barely recognized the preacher boy from almost 20 years ago. So most of the info I post I get right from IMDb anyway. He was in the quirky, independent "Junebug" last year. Amy Adams was nominated for 'best supporting' (Junebug) and is another terrific little movie.

