A-Ha or Duran Duran?

Which song do you like best.

Duran Duran's View to A Kill. Or.. A-Ha's The Living Daylights?

I can't decide on this

Obama proves Mankind descended from Sheep not Ape


I used to prefer Duran Duran but over the years I have changed my mind and think that A-Has ong is better.Both of them are far better than many of the recent Bond title songs.Another Way to Die and Die Another Day are both dreadful IMO.


They're certainly the top two films for me with the recent Skyfall coming a close 3rd and the live and let die riff 4th. Daylights live in the a-ha goigs always gets the crowds going, regardless of the Country, so it wins for me.


I like Duran Duran's lyrics better. They're poetical. A-Ha's lyrics are a bity clumsy.


A view to a kill is better for me. It's even one of my favorite songs ever. But I like both songs very much.


A-ha. One of the best Bond themes.

May The Schwartz Be With You


Duran Duran by a long shot

A-Ha's theme song just feels like a painful attempt at recreating the success of A View To A Kill


Both are WAY better than The Writing on the Wall, geeze that song sucked as a title sequence song


Although A-Ha's TLD is good, Duran Duran's AVTAK is definitely the better title song of these two. However, TLD is the vastly superior film of these two.
