Insulting our intelligence.

Don't get me wrong, I like this movie and grew up watching it on vhs. But, the scenes where Dudley Moore is dancing on the table shouting, "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah!" was too much to handle. Kirks character wasn't over the top like that. I thought they could have done something a little more interesting rather than to say, scream like a kid and stand on the table playing air guitar. It just didn't fit. The doctor scenes I liked. I guess this was an 80's movie.


Well yeah, there are plenty of holes to poke through if you want to call the movie out in terms of its lack of realism. For starters, if Dudley Moore's brain transferred to Kirk Cameron's body, then Kirk would be speaking with a British accent. Anyone looking for something cerebral should obviously avoid the film. If you're into stupid fun, then there's plenty to be had.


Exactly what I've noticed about all the mind/body swap films (even Big), is that the kid in the adult's body never acts like the kid ever did. In the scene you mention, it wasn't as if Chris never missed a day of school. He probably would've just sat around watching tv, not going insane on a table top. Cameron in Dudley's body was more like watching a drunken Dudley Moore than anything else. And it's not until the end of the film ("Chris" finds "the dad" in the shower) do you hear Cameron infuse a British accent.


This crap film seriously stinks up the joint. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
