Trent Reznor

If anyone would be so kind as to tell me where, exactly, Reznor's cameo appears, I would be most appreciative.


Dear sir,
Its in the movie.


I wasn't exactly paying attention in the movie until he caught my eye but he appears as a keyboardist for The Problems, the band playing the band meet up in the bar after Jeanette and Joe's mother has been put in hospital. His screen time amounts to about 10 seconds so you have to be on your toes.


Oh yeah, and to help you look, he's blond in the movie.


if anyone has pictures of him in the movie,can you please send them to me? thanks


No, he's not blond in this movie. He's the brown (short) haired keyboardist on the left of the blond singer in "The Problems". His total screen time is less than 10 seconds so good luck spotting him.


I wonder how many people have rented this movie simply because he's in it for all of ten seconds...I'm not really one to talk, though, I rented Mulholland Drive just because it was dedicated to Jennifer Syme.

C'mon everybody everyone let's go!
"Hey baby, you wanna kill all humans?"



She was Keanu Reeves girlfriend who died in a horrible car accident. She was actually more known for her role in Lost Highway.
My DVD Collection


ye but he's hands get a bit more then 10 seconds ,
Saw this on Tv last night, started getting kinda bored but couldn't look away lest i missed Mr Reznor's cameo. It's funny how he's band the snootiest of all the other ones we see - bare that in mind and you won't miss him!



Well done.

Hook 'em Horns


"they used to be called The Sins, now they're just The Problems"


You can see him at approx. 1:18:18, the actors talk about their “concept rock” band, and play/pickup their instruments until 1:20:01.

-I'm going to remake Transformers 3. No CGI! In 4-D! Smell-o-vision!-


i walk by that bar everyday they were playing in, please kill me someone
