Off Topic: NYC Chinatown

I wasn't sure if there was a better place to post this...

Whenever I'm in NY I usually find myself at some point in Chinatown. During my last trip I noticed several buildings displaying the 'red' flag of communist China (The People's Republic) but not the flag of Taiwan. My question(s) revolve around the 'other' China ... Taiwan.

What is the population percentage make-up of Chinatown between 'mainlanders' and Taiwan? Do those from Taiwan intentionally try to keep a low profile? Do the people from the mainland and Taiwan get along or are they at war with each other even here? Any book you care to recomend... Anything else you care to offer is appreciated...

Nothing's too good for the man who shot Liberty Valance


If you are are interested in Taiwanese version of "Chinatown", go to Flushing. That's where the Taiwanese are.

The history is a long story. The two governments are by no means friendly. The Taiwanese Nationalists (the dominating party) came from the original governing party of China after the revolution against the Chin Dynasty, so some of them still think they are the rightful owner of the governing body. Younger generation tend not to share the same philosophy.

Don't want to get into a political discussion here, so recommend that you search the web for the history of the two governments.


Thanks for the reply...


I remember when Cantonese was the main language spoken in New York's Chinatown because its residents had mostly come from Hong Kong. That's changed quite a bit as Mainland Chinese and *beep* speakers from Fujian Province have moved in and the Hong Kongers' descendants have moved out.

So it's more common to hear Mandarin and *beep* in today's Chinatown.

[NOTE: for some reason IMDB has decided to *beep* out the word for the language spoken by people from Fujian Province. So let's just say "Fujinese," but substitute the "j" with a "k" and that's the language they speak.]
