Michael Woods

Every since I first saw this movie, I haven't been able to look at white nightgowns (or Michael Woods) the same way. In a lot of ways, it's a total mind-blower!


I hear ya, he was the ultimate perverted sleeze-ball, hell he almost elevated it to an artform lol.


I wouldn't say sleeze-ball. I'd say the ultimate obsessed controlling asshole. And he most definitely elevated it to an art form!! 😅😅😅😅


He came across as a sadistic Clint Eastwood. LOL! Lady Beware was one of the better straight-to-video flicks. Unfortunately, it has yet to be released on DVD. If anyone wants a VHS master copy xfer to DVD-R, drop me a line. -D


He came across as a sadistic Clint Eastwood.

Good description. 👍👍👍👍
