Fond memory of this

PSB were definitely an an interesting duo and I thought this peculiar little film was great!!!

"I talk to god but the sky is empty"


hi do you know who did the dummies voice in the film ?i thought the bit where the dummy came on was really funny


did you see it at the cinema outsider 2 ? have you got it on video ?


No I didn't see it at the cinema - I do have it on a US release VHS.

"I talk to god but the sky is empty"


do you know who did the dummies voice in the film ?


No sorry, I don't know..

"I talk to god but the sky is empty"



Unfortunate that you haven't found God. But as the Bible says, you must have the belief of a babe.... trusting in him just as a babe does its parents. Sometimes things don't seem right, but just like when a babe is getting his first immunization shots, the pain lasts but moments in exchange for years of health. The parents don't enjoy seeing the babe in pain, but they know better than the infant of the benefits.


I saw this in the cinema when it came out. It showed twice at the Hoyts Cinema in Hobart, Tasmania. 7pm Saturday and 7pm Sunday July 1987. There were four people in the cinema. I was 11 and since it was rated PG, I could see it. I loved it though had no idea what it was about and had a hard time explaining what it meant beyond loving the way the songs were integrated.
It's aged really well. It's a kind of commentary on Britain in the late 80s with the morphing effects of religion, capitalism, the repressed sexual urges of the British populace and filled with their brilliant songs. Perhaps they saw the point of the film - ostensibly to delay any need to tour - to pursue the themes of their songs that tapped into the heart of the country and culture they know so well and brought them so much success. They just did it in the most unexpected and disjointed way. 'A Fellini-esque romp' Leonard Maltin called it. You could do worse. FAR worse when looking at attempts by other bands.


Well put sir..well put!


I was a HUGE fan at the time of it's release... The nearest Cinema that showed it was 30 km away... so 3 days in a row I took my bike there... and back again after the movie..


Wow, great story.

I remember Xeroxing the LP cover of Actually and sticking it up in my room.
