DVD Question

Does anyone know if there are any special features on the DVD? If not, they REALLY need to re-release this through anchor bay or another company. Anyone know what the director or any of the actors are up to these days or if they have been in any other films?

*for shizzle*



My girlfriend bought it for me for Christmas. I hope it looks a little better than the VHS though!!

WATCH "I WAS A TEENAGE ZOMBIE" Excellent B horror/comedy!


The DVD I have has no extra features.

The original cut of the movie, though, was about a half-hour longer.* I don't know if any of that footage survives; I've not been in touch with any of those folks since the original release party and they never paid me for my work. But it could if they still have that stuff be given a "director's cut" version.

(* Amongst other things there was more footage from the malt shop, and an additional zombie vs. zombie fight scene.)

-- Jon


The director now is a bishop in the Greek Orthodox Church. No kidding.
