a positive thing

with old monster flics is that you realy learn to apriciate NEW monster flics, because of the massive cheesiness of the old movies,yes, its true,, this is a 6 beer minimum movie, DO NOT watch this sober, after 6 beer and maybe a 4 vodka,, its pretty good =)

"A fundie to me would be anyone who believes in a literal interpretation of the bible"


It's actually quite the opposite with me. I'll take a cheesy 80's flick with traditional make-up as opposed to the CGI BS that they make today.

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Please point me to one good monster film made in the last 7 years?

Ginger Snaps came out 9 years ago, so that doesn't count.


Little lat eon the response but....
Dog Soldiers
The Host
Just to name a couple. But yeah, theyre still arent many at all

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."-Margaret White


Sorry, I like older movies better.
