MovieChat Forums > Ôritsu uchûgun Oneamisu no tsubasa (1995) Discussion > New HD-DVD on the way!!!! Finally!!! YAY...

New HD-DVD on the way!!!! Finally!!! YAY!!!

OMFG, this is the official press release:

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New OVA Series “FREEDOM” will be on HD DVD!
Bandai Visual, Microsoft, and Memory-Tech announced collaboration on the development of HD DVD authoring technology for the release of 4 (four) anime titles.
The titles include:
New OVA series "FREEDOM," classic anime masterpiece "ROYAL SPACE FORCE – The Wings of Honneamise" from GAINAX ("Gunbuster" "Neon Genesis Evangelion"), "PATLABOR THE MOVIE," and "PATLABOR 2 THE MOVIE" from Mamoru Oshii ("Ghost in the Shell," "Avalon").

To read the full press release, visit
