MovieChat Forums > Ôritsu uchûgun Oneamisu no tsubasa (1995) Discussion > Cannot believe how ignored this movie is...

Cannot believe how ignored this movie is on IMDb

I guess it's just a case of a great, but almost anonymous movie. Less than one page of threads, less than 2,500 rating votes. Makes me sad how ignored Honneamise is.


It's a bit of a sleeper of a film. Not many people know bout it.


well, the movie is quite bad so its not strange that people avoid it.


Quite bad? Even if you want to dispute the strengths of the story/characters, the quality of animation is top-notch AND the world building that goes on as the film progresses is phenomenal.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


I remember hearing about it back in the day (and I have the Manga LD release) but I guess it's been forgotten in this modern age of animation. It is a shame; it may not be Akira but it still looks quite nice.

Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!
