misc info

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone can fill me in on some info on this show, like possibly fill me in on what all happened in a certain ep. Also any idea what kinds of firearms were used by Highway and Jetto? The ep I'd like to know of is called Send in the Clones. It always stood out in my mind but not clearly enough, could anyone fill me in on what all happened, I remember Highway getting knocked out but not much after that, care to help me out? Please reply, and maybe some screenshots of the weapons?


I only saw a handful of episodes and not all complete, they were shown late on Saturday nights on ITV here in the UK. But I did see all of Send in the Clones. This guy escapes and is pursued by paramilitary hit squad. Highwayman and co get dragged in and Highwayman befriends the guy, who seems to have a child-like mentality but military trained.The hit squad seemed unkillable. This General tells Highwayman this guy is trying to kill the governor (or somebody). The end has guy telling Highwayman he doesn't want to kill the governor (or whoever) but warn him of this general's pet project. Guy and the hit squad are genetically engineered soldiers with super healing powers. Shootout has all 'clones' and general? killed. But medics can't find any bodies. Final shot is of guy watching tv report and smiles.

Enough info for you?

To die is to live, to live is to die


more than enough, now all I need is for a gun expert to sit down and tell me what kinds of guns Highway and Jetto used. Jetto's gun looked like a small caliber H&K, Highway's I'm not so sure of. It looks liked a pump shotgun, but the barrel was smaller than anything I'd ever seen and the gun itself wasn't exactly the type you'd take to go Turkey hunting either. If anyone can hit me up on what kind of gun Highway had I'll be eternally grateful


I'm pretty sure it was a custom weapon with two barrels, a small one over a much larger one.
I remember an episode where a guy Highwayman was with took the gun to shoot at their pursuers. Highway took it back saying "Wait, that's set for 20 millimeter..." There was a close up of him flicking a selector switch near the trigger, and then he continued "...9mm should be sufficient".
