Seeing this at 14.

And I liked it. I've seen many gore flicks and regularily visit gore sitees (Ogrish) and I have never felt like I wasn't able or allowed to see this.

What is it with all you americans that are whining about boobs and blood? Yes this was disturbing but Cannibal Holocaust was IMHO worse (the cannibal and rape scenes were plainly br00tal).


I hope you are kidding. The only way I would not be disturbed by your comment is if you didn't know that this film is based on true events, and I hope you don't know. Everything in this movie actually happend during world war 2. It is one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen.


Other than you actually seeing this, thus can result in your prosecution(they currently have the legal right to go ahead)or other serious fines, hope you can somehow get an excuse to your parents for this.


Who is going to stop me from seeing a movie that is for 16-year olds? I'm in Holland, smarty :)

And yes I know that this is all based on true happenings... but so was Band of Brothers, was it? Realising that (most of) this isn't real (as in, not the historical content but the very movie itself), it isn't hard to watch. The cat scene was disturbing and the autopsy was... well, brutal, but besides that it was a good watch and interesting to see.


You are wrong, all of the experiments were actually done by the Japanese or the director wouldn't have put them in, this movie is NOT for entertainment it's more of a documentary. And if you don't believe me, do some research.



What exactly did you like about this movie, klein kind? The torture? The way they actually killed the cat and the rats? The idea that it actually happened during WW2? The idea that you were able to see a movie that you were not supposed to see?


If you regulary go on Ogrish, you're *beep* sick in the head and need therapy.


U R *beep* right,I mean con on,I saw Evil Dead 1 and 2 when i was 12.So who givez a *beep* can list tha sickest moviez U ever saw and still i could 'hear my heart goez on' from C. Dion while watching them,cause' the world is a 100 timez sicker than that,besides Human ain't *beep*


im 13, ive seen this, almost all takashi miike films(including the banned ep. of masters of horror), Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox, Flowers Flesh and Blood, BadTaste, Dead-alive, and so on with goreflicks, i really dont see the big commotion, they neither distrub me but entertain me by thinking of the low budget effects they used for the gore, the real ones are whatever, the only real one that made me feel awkawrd was the Turtle Scene in CH.


Eh, I'm 16.
I've seen the flowers of flesh and blood also....ichi the killer, cannibal holocaust, much of men behind the sun, Salo`(one of my favorite films), and those stupid films where guys take girls into their basement and rape and chop them up...snuff basically. It has not destroyed. Much of these films bring out important messages and open up peoples minds to how sick some human beings are for putting such torture on our race. It's art to me, whether it's based on real events or not...the directors saw them as an artistic oppurtunity to shed some sort of light and entertainment to society.


"U R *beep* right,I mean con on,I saw Evil Dead 1 and 2 when i was 12.So who givez a *beep* can list tha sickest moviez U ever saw and still i could 'hear my heart goez on' from C. Dion while watching them,cause' the world is a 100 timez sicker than that,besides Human ain't *beep*"

If you want me to take you seriously, try spelling like someone who isn't a retard next time.


U R *beep* right,I mean con on,I saw Evil Dead 1 and 2 when i was 12.So who givez a *beep* can list tha sickest moviez U ever saw and still i could 'hear my heart goez on' from C. Dion while watching them,cause' the world is a 100 timez sicker than that,besides Human ain't *beep*

Don't take this the wrong way, but what's up with the retardo-speak? There are no Zs in "gives", "movies", "goes" or "times" and it really isn't that difficult to type the words "you" and "are". I'm not going to comment on the (not "tha") rest of your mistakes, you probably got the picture.

Ooh, Evil Dead at 12. Big *beep* deal.

Rated R for violence, sexuality, and language.


Ewwwww why do all you people like Ogrish? That site is messed up, d00ds. Watching real people die is morbid and disturbing, I believe. Or maybe once you see a real person die in real life, thinking about watching folks die for pleasure just don't make sense. It sure don't make sense to me.

Anyway, I saw this when I was like 12. You aint got room to brag, kiddo.

Deep, deep, deep, in my eyes
There's a round, round, round,
circle of lives
-the Germs


Who cares about what age you saw this movie, shows how caring your your parents are. Haha


Yeah well what was you gonna do about it, sue me?



yeah watching this *beep* makes you a man.
nice one tithead.
*beep* these *beep* films and the attitude they give kids like you.
im 31 and know ill never watch this kind of stuff because i dont want to not because im a little baby.
come back when you had a bird, seen someone die in real life and a couple of fights.


Yeah, I'm really not digging the attitude of the kids on here. Oooh, I'm so bad cause I watched a sick movie and liked it. ALl that proves to me is that you are immature. You are too immature to understand the severity of what you're looking at. All you can do is crow with glee at the blood splatter you've made your retarded self immune to as you putter aimlessly through your life trying to be cool. Grow up. I can't stand the little brats that get on these message boards and say that disturbing, serious, ADULT movies were "boring" or "not so bad" and compare them to stupid crap like Evil Dead and Friday the Thirteenth.

"Life's too short to be pissed off all the time."
-American History X



Agreed. You get more out of a movie like this by letting it in, and by doing so one cannot help but be disturbed and moved by the events that occur and have occured throughout history.


i like the irony of your rant caused by the film quote tag under it...

that aside... to be perfectly honest the film made me laugh... but only because of the pee poor american dubbing.. other than that it was quite disturbing.. but i was reading through the forums and that was the thing that descensitized me to it the most... i was expectign something worse. also some posters had made it seem like there was no plot... idiots.


Thank you! Finally! I agree 100%.

It takes a certain age to fully comprehend movies like MBTS. With all due respect, a KID cannot understand this stuff.



who cares how old u are....u just wanna seem all grown up n sht but you not

"We cannot kill the time, it is the time that kills us."-behemoth


i agree with you, saying things like "oooh im 12 and i saw such and such a movie" just makes you sound like an utter dick. In all honesty, i dont care what age anyone was when they saw a movie, im 16, ive seen my fair share of controversial movies, but i dont deem it neccesary or gain any self pride from bragging about it



Awww.. come on everyone, give the kid a break, he's full of angst, feels misunderstood and this is the only way he has to feel like a big man....
Starting a topic bragging about being only 14 and having watched this just goes to show that he's in need of someone to shock/impress (same thing) and since he's most likely a social failure who mommy and daddy don't spend enough quality time with we get to be his preferred audience of choice...

One can only hope that within the last couple years he's maybe been slapped around a little bit, begun to grow up and perhaps realizes that this kind of bragging just makes him look silly...


Does it matter? No. Does it seem young for a 14-year old to watch it? Yes. Does it look like you understand the movie? No. You people just went for the gore of the movie, this movie is not about the gores, its about the inhumane experiments the Japanese committed during WWII.



you're missing the point
