MovieChat Forums > Hei tai yang 731 (1988) Discussion > What is this fascination with cadavers a...

What is this fascination with cadavers and cats?

Just to clear a few up first. The dead boy was Chinese, as were his parents, and as was the message in that scene and in the entire movie: that the Japanese would be so cruel, racist, and inhumane as to cut open a live Chinese boy just to harvest his organs. Why? Because they considered the Chinese (there were some Koreans and even Russians) to be less than humans, and so don't deserve the same humane treatment as real people. Keep in mind I'm talking about that scene in the movie:. I'm not saying that the actual actors were Japanese and we all know the boy wasn't alive.

Sounds like something we may all be too familiar with...(cough)...Nazi Germany comes to mind?

Mou did ask permission from the parents, and my understanding is that at first, the parents declined. But when they understood the content and purpose of this movie, they consented because even though their boy is dead, if he can contribute something to a cause that may bring some awareness to Japanese atrocities and war crimes during WWII, then they felt that was worthwhile

I mean, what about organ donations? They do have to cut open a corpse to get to the organs, don't they.? But I would imagine that most people would think of that as something for a good cause, not disturbing.

So how is either one of those disturbing? I find both situations quite respectable and commendable.

I'm perpetually puzzled by the reactions on this board. Everybody's complaining about "oh my God, they used a real cadaver", or "was that cat real"? Did you people seriously think that the events depicted in this movie were totally fictitious just for gorehounds to get a kick out of? Because I can assure you they're not. This movie is actually tame compared to what really happened. So did anybody stop to think about those real victims? And what's a cadaver compared to the actual, live people that suffered during those events?

I hate to say it, but had this movie been about the Holocaust, would you people's first reaction be about the cadaver and the cat?



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