MBTS vs. In a Glass Cage

Which WWII based nazi shocker is more horrific?


Men Behind the Sun is more graphic, visually, to a degree that can and does seem at times gratuitous. Some people classify it as a shock horror film more than a pseudo-documentary for that reason. The factual story behind the film is more horrific, I think, but the film...ah, it can seem a bit silly and over the top.

In a Glass Cage is more psychological and doesn't have quite so much violence in it, nor does it seem as gratuitous. The subject matter isn't pleasant, being that it's about the sexual abuse and torture of children, but it's not really a "Nazi shocker", as such. It's also fictional.

I have both films, but I wouldn't really compare the two as they're really quite different. Though if you're looking for exploitative Nazi shock schlock, perhaps you'd be better off with Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS or Last Orgy of the Third Reich?


Well that all depends:
Are there any CATS in this Glass Cage movie?
Cause, that's important.
