MovieChat Forums > Hei tai yang 731 (1988) Discussion > Wishing death upon animal killers

Wishing death upon animal killers

I find this hypocritical and hilarious all at once. I mean I knew the majority of people on IMDB were retarded but I didn't know just how much until I read some of the threads on this forum.








I don't condone but it happened and it added great emotional affect to the movie. I have a White TUrkish angora kitty and I love him to death. I wouldn't laugh. no.

No point in wishing death upon people, because you were offended by the death of an animal.

There in lies the hypocrisy.


What's hypocritical about it exactly?


that killing animal is not ok, but killing human (also an animal) is perfectly acceptable.


Humans who've wantonly tortured/killed innocent animals for indefensible reasons, would be the whole point.


All I can say is:
Way to go China! You really showed us how inhuman those Japs were... by torturing and killing a animal in one of the worst ways possible.
Boy. I really hate those "Japs" right now.

What's the chinese word for "Lost Irony?"


There is nothing contradictory about killing to prevent torture. This is not a sanctity of life argument, it's a value of consciousness argument.


What wrong with WISHING death to animal torturers? I mean, it's not like we send a bunch of *beep* at him. I just WISH that he dies a slow and painful death.


Wishing means that if they died, you would be satisfied. You would be satisfied if they died, while you're angry because they saw to it that an animal died. In a nutshell, you're angry over an immoral act so you wish that an immoral act would be done onto another.

I'm not sure to exactly what point it's hypocrisy, but it's immoral for sure. Not as immoral, but imorral nonetheless. Did I mention that it was immoral?

Hit the reply button on MY post (only) if it's ME you want to reply to.


It really depends, though. Usually those who torture animals are messed up in the head, and would have no qualms applying this torture to people. That's how many serial killers start out, torturing and killing animals. If it was THOSE types of people that were wished death upon, the monsters of humanity, I'd say sacrificing them to assure the safety of the good people of society is all but fair. Take out the liabilities to humanity, those who will eventually start killing people, causing fear and sorrow. The safety of the general public should outweigh the needs the one who demonstrates lack of empathy for any living creature. Sometimes, when you have people who think of life as such a worthless thing that it's easy to throw away innocence, animals(a start), or sacrifice good people who never deserved such a fate, the world might just be a better place with those sick minds gone, forever. Might seem a little harsh, but it's the same with animals that cannot conform back to society. Those that were tortured, made mean and cannot EVER be made gentle again. They put those animals down. Same for people, who are probably a thousand times more deadly.

Of course, I don't mean the director of this movie, but the people this movie was made about. War seemingly gives psychos a chance to indulge in their bloody fantasies as long as it's being written off as being a "service to the country". Of course, no country is free from these types of people.
