How factual was this?

I've heard some people claim that the events depicted were sensationalised while others have said that the real events were even more horrendous. Were the scenes based on written or oral evidence of Unit 731 or did the filmmakers assume what went on?


There is plenty of evidence the events depicted are real. Do a search on unit 731, and you will find plenty of reading material.

My World:



There is plenty of evidence the events depicted are real. Do a search on unit 731, and you will find plenty of reading material.

Just skip down the list. The first few that pop up are fluff.


Sadly, 731 butai was real. All those criminals couldn't be judged by Russia, because USA gave them immunity as long as they gave them ALL the data.
Guess who owns the data collected during those inhuman experiments, and what would they plan to do with it?

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.
