Great Movie

this movie is a lot better than people seem to give it credit for. dylan's performance is hilarious, vulnerable. typical of the rolling stone magazine/baby boomer/vh1 cultural juggernaut that this film would be dismissed. there's certainly no vietnam montage in it.


personally I think it is a great film and still annoyed it not released on dvd, as i not got the Video ir use a vcr now days :(


i know--i've got it on video, too. i want a deluxe DVD edition, with rupert everett and dick marquand doing an audio commentary.


Hardly likely - Marquand died in 1987 just before this came out.


negligible detail.


Omg, are you serious? This movie is crap! The only reason to ever watch it is of course Bob, he's so cute in the movie. I love it when he jumps into the lake. However, this movie is pretty bad.
