Tom Courtenay

How in the world did they get the great Tom Courtney to play the insignificant role of "Jewelry Store Manager" in this about-10-minutes-worth-of-entertainment piece of fluff? Other than the segments where Peter Falk is in disguise, this movie is a waste of good talent.

Paula Jo


Since you think he's so great, I'm shocked you didn't spell his name correctly. Anyway, I have no idea how the role of "Jewelry Store Manager" is insignificant. He has about 30 minutes of screen time and if the credits were in order of importance rather than appearance, his character would probably be listed #4.

Perhaps by "insignificant" you meant the role wasn't difficult, showed no range, didn't require any acting skill, etc... I would disagree even with that though. Eager/Desperate to make a sale, terrified/surprised when being robbed. It doesn't run the gamut, but he has more to do than Durning did since his character is just a sounding board for Falk.


Uh Uh. Naughty naughty. Not nice turning it into a personal attack.

Paula Jo


I thought I was informative and hopefully helpful to you since you had your information all wrong and thought a 30-minute role was insignificant.

As for your misspelling, which you deem some great insult, I will clarify. Since you refer to Tom Courtenay as "great", I assume you are a big fan of his and was surprised you didn't spell his name correctly. The fact that there was a letter incorrect AND a letter missing tells me it likely isn't a typo and you actually weren't aware how to spell his name, which is fine, but extremely surprising given your high opinion of him as an actor. Imagine someone saying. "Shawn Connary is the greatest actor ever". It sounds a bit hollow coming from someone who massacres the name, don't you think?
