Is this the one....

Im 16 I watched this movie when I was really young And it made me frightened of witches til about 10 (lol) All I really remember is the Witch was scary terrifying and she like ate a Fat kid (didnt mean for it to sound so cruel) That was in the cage type thing with Hansel is this the one? I dont know if I can be more clear then that I havent seen it since I was real little


No it was not this one. The one you are thinking of was Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre. The witch was scary in this one too.


Oh thanks for the reply forgot I created this thread, man Thats gonna be impossible to find I wanna see if I was just a wuss as a kid lol Ill prolly look for this one also


Cant find either crud o well


I found both! Here's the lin kto get this particular Hansel & Gretel;sid=UpS-z5S2UPK-ZtdFOAy0xNu4W6PYVyYBBOY=?CategoryName=mtv&Dept=moviesmusic&ProductSKU=MGMV1008749DVD%26LOHS296%3dSPDE&aecURL=Movies%2fMovie%2easpx%3fprodid%3dMGMV1008749DVD%26LOHS296%3dSPDE&DCMP=CTH&HQS=MGMV1008749DVD%26LOHS296%3dSPDE#

As for the Faerie Tale THeatre, go to I hope this helps!

Why, that was pure genius!
Yes, I shall go down in history as the man who opened a door!


You can also find both on eBay if you shop around. THat's where I bought this version.

"That's not a very KOO thing to do."
~Sean Penn in "The Interpreter"
