
If they were gonna do another version of GM who would u want to star,

Laura: Even Rachel Wood/Natalie Portman

Amanda: Jessica Lange


Alexis Bledel as Laura would just make me so happy - she's got the whole fragile, delicate glassy look down, and she's becoming a more and more talented actress with every role. I think she could pull it off. And Jake Gyllenhaal would be a fabulous Tom...I can't think of a good enough Amanda or Jim right now, but I will later. I LOVE this show.


Alexis would be perfect...


i think they are too naturally beautiful to be Laura. Laura is only beautiful when you know her and can begin to care about her character.

Yes, you're very smart. Shut-up.


Beverly D'angelo as Amanda?

The message and the money



Amanda: Kathleen Turner
Tom: Jake Gylanhaul
Laura: Scarlett Johanson
Jim: Matthew Mconnaghy


Jake would be good in a remake of this though a little obvious for my taste as the last staging was directed by his godfather Paul Newman nearly a quarter Century ago

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


Laura - Elle Fanning
