Mistake in Goofs Section

In the goofs section it is mentioned that Laurence Fishburne starts as a Sgt and ends up as a Spec at the end. This is not a goof. When Willow is being promoted the story of how Fishburne (Flannegan) loses his stripes is told. So his rank at the end is, in fact, correct.

Something that is a goof and does not get mentioned is how, during the funeral at the end, Sgt Hazzard rips his CIB off and places it on Willow's casket. Lter, during the burial, Hazzard is wearing a CIB.


I corrected that this morning.

My name is Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius


Another goof (bearing in mind I love this film and think that the detail is excellent) is that Jones refers to Wilman being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. it is, in fact, properly called the Medal of Honor. The "Congressional" mistake creeps in when peopl confuse it with the civilian honor.


According to Wiki -

Because the medal is presented "in the name of Congress", it is often referred to as the Congressional Medal of Honor; however, the official name is simply the "Medal of Honor".

I think it's generally accepted either way - I find the fact that the it's technically just the "Medal of Honor" to be interesting - that's how I tend to refer to it in conversation, but mainly because it's quicker to say than when you add "Congressional" to the beginning of it.

The details in the movie were pretty good, mostly due to the fact that they were right there on Fort Myer and had military people helping throughout as advisors, and yet Hollywood still managed to screw up a good bit of it. It is what it is - I love the movie enough that I own it, although I think part of my love for it comes from having served in the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps for a number of years.

My name is Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
