what happened to Golobulus?

Golobulus, the supreme leader of Cobra-La, the most noble one, was seen running away in the end of the movie. He had great goals, to bring back the Cobra race as the rulers of the earth again, turning humans into mindless mammals. He created Serpentor to be the great commander of Cobra-La, by combining the most intelligent humans' DNAs.
This guy meant business, he didn't seem like a guy who would give up easily. He ran away in the movie and was never mentioned again. Why not? He was such an important character. He withold the true basis of Cobra race, why they existed, all those secrets, nobody else but him knew about the history of Cobras.
I cannot believe that this guy was ignored so easily


Golobulus and Cobra-La seem to have been a controversial and unpopular addition to the G.I. Joe universe. G.I. Joe: The Movie went straight to TV and video instead of getting a theatrical release. Golobulus, Nemesis Enforcer, and Cobra-La Royal Guard figures were released as a pack, but they received little promotion. Most of the toy ads at that time featured Cobra Commander as the main villain instead. Larry Hama, the writer of the G.I. Joe comic book, hated the idea of Cobra-La and refused to include it in the comic. A few years later, when a new G.I. Joe animated series picked up where the movie left off, Cobra Commander resumed control of Cobra and Cobra-La was never mentioned. The Cobra-La concept appeared to be dead on arrival and I think most of the people working on G.I. Joe just wanted to forget about it.


He probably died in the cold mountains, having failed his mission to devolve mankind. His civilization was in ruins and no longer a safe place to hide.



I heard he sells Cadillacs now.


He went on to train Rocky Balboa and eventually retired as a Grumpy Old Man.


Golobulus aimlessly drifted about the Himalayas for months, surviving off locals and Yak milk.

He returned to Cobra-La and wept when he saw the devastation he had brought on his people.

He flew to the top of Mount Everest and removed himself from his flight pod, allowing it to roll away.

He soon succumbed to the deathly chill and became incased in a tomb of ice.


What Golobulus needs is speed, demon speed, greasy fast speed!


If I remember correctly, there was a trading card released at one point with Golobulus on it. I think Larry Hama wrote the text. On it, it says Golobulus escaped into the Himilayas where he perished in an avalanche.

Of course, whether that's canon or not is up for interpretation.


it says Golobulus escaped into the Himilayas where he perished in an avalanche.

Hilarious. Why bother having him escape only to suffer some random death ?
That's like saying "Duke made a full recovery, but got run over by an ice cream truck."


He should have died from an infection he caught from his gouged out eye.




The title of this thread makes me think of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?...starring Golobulus 

♫I've writ-ten a let-ter to DA-ddy!♫
