
This movie is so good, if you ever come across it you should watch it. Judd Nelson (yes I said Judd Nelson) is phenomenal and the scenes with him and John Hurt are frightening. Good ending, good characters, good story.

You're So Cool


Underrated is not the word. Unknown is more like it.

I doubt few people have heard of this movie. Which is a shame, this is hands down Judd Nelsons best work, and it's a good glimpse of the work this guy can dop with the right roles.

Somebody give him some decent work already.


Yeah, the whole scene where Hurt describes "such a person" as could bury the claw of a hammer in the skull... Chilling, coming from him. I enjoy the heck out of this movie, with McGavin as a slightly confused senior partner and Walston as the 1st judge. "We're gonna lose. Trust me, I hit people all the time.", gotta love that line.


totally agree with you.


Great cast.


Definitely agree with everyone above here  !

Excellent 1980's cast ( especially actor Dan Monahan as Larry too   ) a very interesting yet unique and suspenseful storyline as well IMPO  .

I will be watching this movie again tonight on the SHOFAM Channel  .

Thanks BamaWorley for your subject post  .


If you're going to have the director from Porky's, you have to have Pee Wee, right?

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


If you're going to have the director from Porky's, you have to have Pee Wee, right?

That definitely sounds about right to me HowYaLikeDemApplesWill !   


Right LOL
