MovieChat Forums > Fatal Attraction (1987) Discussion > Something I never noticed before....

Something I never noticed before....

And I have seen this movie at least 20 times:

When Alex is making that call to the operator to try and get Dan's new number (the scene where she screams "F@ck you!" to the operator), I never noticed on the bed in front of her that she's got a smorgasbord of junk food: a bag of Cheetos, a package of Oreos, a plate with cheese blocks and something else on it, and a container of Haagen Dazs ice cream.

Nothing groundbreaking, no, but I never noticed. For a woman so fit, I guess this was her 'obsessed-about-losing-Dan-and-pregnant-with-his-child' diet.

Just an obs.

The ratio of people to cake is too big.


Fit as in healthy?

She can't be that fit. Her breasts were paler than snow compared to the rest of her meaning she evidently lies on her back a lot. Lol 

"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"
