
Why the hell is the logo/trademark in the top left hand corner for pratically the whole film, it is annoying and distracting!! Who agrees, well probably no one seems this board is dead!!


Lars von Trier is a very calculated sort of a guy. The film is mediocre at best. But, as always, he understands the concept of a concept. A logo will atleast make people remember the film for that.


You really get used to it's not that distracting.


Thats the point. Its a film about filmmaking, and youre supposed to remember that--hence the "trademark."

"A film should be like a pebble in your shoe"-Lars playing Lars at the beginning of the film. Apparently, in the case of this film, it is.

One might even say that a film is supposed to be more than a pebble in your shoe--it should be a disease or a boil you can't shake off, one that spreads, irritates, and then ruptures. One could even say the same thing about writing.making a film.


Since the entire film seems to be an example of 'difficult' film viewing, the red letters seem to fit. In the commentary they talk of how expensive it was to include it--it actually was more than the cost of the film.


Yeah, I remember that vaguely. But how did they put it in again? I can't remember, just that it was not simple.
