MovieChat Forums > Eddie Murphy: Raw (1987) Discussion > For Anyone Who Has The DVD....

For Anyone Who Has The DVD....

Does anyone know why the Johnny Carson "Half" joke was edited? Theres a voice over when Eddie says "Johnny Wife Gets Half". Anyone know why?


hmmm.... good question


I havent gotten the DVD, but is this true? That is insane. I remember seeing RAW like 5 times in the movies, and we all used to remember the lines (just like he makes fun of), and I remember the Carson lines easily. Why in the World would they take it out now, but not edit it on the zillion times in ran on HBO when Carson was such a big deal? Half the kids today never even heard of Johnny Carson. Either way, now I have to get to DVD to check it out.....You would think Cosby would have stretched his arm and got his parts deleted first no?


I was surprised too becuase I had downloaded the concert 2 years ago and there was no editing of any jokes. But during the Johnny Carson bit, The word "gets" (I'm assuming he said gets) is edited to "wants" half of Johnny's money. It kind of kills the bit.



you guys knew most of the orgasms-bit was cut?


Are u lot American? Do u have the American version of that DVD because here in the UK both the Carson and orgasm parts werent edited in any way.

(H)Astila Vista Baby


yes, mine is imported from the US

'Yeah mofo i got a problem..i just lost my job, to a white man look just like you!'


I saw it on VHS in 1995 and i noticed this also.
I am in the US.
could it be that Johnnys wife didnt GET half, and they edited it to fit the reality of the situation... that she just wanted half...?
i dont know. i cant tell the orgasm scene is edited... if so where can i find the whole version.


Supposedly the full version of the orgasim bit is only on Eddie's greastest comedy hits CD. Paramount felt that the orgasim bit and the vacationing girl friend bit were a little too much for the film and did not want the film to recieve an X rating. So they decided to chop it down to make it a little less raunchy.

"Wise man say: forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. "


Im sure there are 2 dvd versions (in the uk)
the first is a 15 rating and the secong is an 18.
The former is most likely the cut one.
Dont ask why...

"If I was gonna shoot you, I'd shoot you in the face. Now go!" ~ Equilibrium


There's always the old VHS version, which I'll still hold onto. Not like you'd buy RAW on dvd for the digital clarity and 6.1 Dolby surround.
