milk wholesome milk

love this movie,but the only thing in it i dont get is when streebeck and friday raid the milk factory,when they do and milk goes everywhere streebeck says i cant quite place it friday replies "milk as the sign says wholesome fresh milk,"streebeck "i bet you love this stuff"friday"vitamin D good for bones but i guess its all greek to you mr gintavitus,"earlier streebeck was eating a fruit salad and friday was dubling up on chillie dogs and fries mmmm.


Milk is not good for you, and whole milk is a leftover of an earlier time as most folks drink 2% or skim.
Friday did admit that smoking and the occasional chili dog were exceptions to his relatively vice-free lifestyle.


Suppose it was just to stress the idea of how specifically different Friday's and Streebek's "vices" were, though Streebek didn't have a problem going out for chili-dogs with Granny Mundy later.

