My favorite part.

I would have to say my favorite part in the movie was when the Judy was going to get water with Mr.Punch and saw the blonde women get taken away by the dolls and she runs to tell her dad and she tells him and the dad goes "Wait, you wanted water and punch" and Judy is like "no daddy Mr.Punch". Its pretty commicial, but my favorite part.


hehe funny choice.....yeah i thought that was one of those nice little's cool you notice that...cos i think there are less of those little moments like that nowadays..great movies with a good spirit about em which simply hit the mark right....have those little touches like that...and in horror movies those little bits of humour work so doesn't take away from the scarey moments..


ralph had a lot of funny moments and line in a similar spirit to that...nice light humour...just works so moments when he was like yeah...i mean no!


I like the scene when Ralph picks up a doll to hit the dad with but hears it make a noise and decides to give it a hug instead



I like the part where Mr Bower is turned into Mr Punch.

Craig R


I'm one of those people who notices weird things, or things going on in the background during movies...
So I'd have to say my favorite part of the movie is the amount of air Judy gets as Ralph freakin rips her down the stairs on the way outta the place at the end LOL


Yah that was funny!

