Worst Movie

This is the worst movie and super cheesy.
I actually sat through the whole thing and could not believe this made it to film.

I wanted my 90 minutes back


This movie holds a special place en mi corazon. Perhaps you must have had a viewing in the past to thoroughly enjoy it today. But I've seen far worse film...

I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday... i ate it.




I saw it today, free movie from charter on demand. there were a few "what the hell?!" moments, but other than that I just mostly laughed.

I wish the animators and stop-motion guys got more credit though, that part wasn't terrible.

the story was garbage, though.



This movie is far from the worst ever. I found it okay to watch.


Funny how someone always titles a thread "Worst Movie" and they write a few lines, jabs, insults, and never really say why it is the worst.I would like to make all these idiots look up in Websters the definition of "worst".

To the OP, you need to increase your movie viewing, if you think this is the "worst". You obiviously haven't seen a lot of films. With the time Dolls was released and the budget it had, I think it did a fine job. I enjoyed the Teddy Bear that came to life.


I support you 100% of what you just mentioned


I love this movie. Its like a fairy tale and a breath of fresh air in that its so unique. I dont think its cheesy at all.

"The Saw Is Family"
Trash Culture Advocate


I agree that its cheesey, but I still enjoy it!Ralph made me a bit crazy though, and I hated the "mom", she was a bitch!


I watched this movie with my mum and nine year old sister one night. There were a few "c'mon" moments, but for the most part I loved it. This wasn't a movie made for the Oscars, it was made to entertain. And it did! Far classier and much more whimsical than other "killer doll" movies; and when you have dolls slashing people up, you really need a whimsical and (darkly) playful undertone.

Not to mention I managed to scare the ever-loving hell out of my sister with one of her own dolls, after we watched the movie and right before she went to bed. So for that, this movie will always hold a special place in my heart. :-)


It's hardly the "worst movie." It's a fun, popcorn flick.


Hey latinoloco,

The movie was only 77 minutes, not 90. Quit your whining. What'd you expect from a mid-80s B horror movie?


It was alright, wasn't one of the best horror movies I've seen but not that bad.


I am a critical movie reviewer myself. However, I loved this movie. The effects were well done, the atmosphere was perfect, and it had a bit of a feel good ending to it.

+++ Jason http://www.youtube.com/user/HaligonianType1
