MovieChat Forums > Dirty Dancing (1987) Discussion > Possibly stupid question?

Possibly stupid question?

I had seen this movie back in the day, and after all those years, I wasn't remembering that it was set in the '60s. I was remembering of course the all famous end scene with "Time Of My Life", which was one of the most famous '80s songs, so I thought the movie was set in the '80s. And then I saw it again recently, and as soon as the movie begins, I realise that it's set in the '60s. And then I see the ending dance scene with that '80s song, and...I just wondered, how could these two people dance with an '80s song in the '60s? It doesn't make sense. I mean, this is not just a song they put in the movie, at the end titles or something, I wouldn't have much problem with that, but this is THE song that the characters listen to as they dance, right? A guy puts the record to play. So how can they dance with an '80s song in the early '60s?



It was a song written for the movie specifically, I thought. But they didn't try one bit to make it 60s sounding at all...


The movie was set in the summer of 1963. The song is not the only anachronism in the movie.


lol, I'd never thought of it that way. I won't think too hard on it, though:).
