MovieChat Forums > Dirty Dancing (1987) Discussion > Why was she called Baby?

Why was she called Baby?

Why would someone just accept "Baby" as a nicknam that everybody would use?
"Hello, I'm Johnny", "Hi, I'm Baby!" It just sound so ridiculous, but no, this girl likes to be called that way, =.


"Baby" was the nickname of Eleanor Bergstein (the woman who wrote Dirty Dancing) until she was in her early twenties:

On whether or not Dirty Dancing is autobiographical:
It is true insofar as anything any writer writes is based on their own life. I mean, I was called “Baby” ‘til I was 22, I went to the Catskills with my parents, I was dirty dancing from the time I was 10. I got dirty dancing trophies that would turn your hands green if you touched them.

There’s not a second in it that isn’t in some way part of my life and my history, but I’m in all the characters, as most writers are. Everything about it I hope is truthful, and a great deal of it came from particular elements of my life. But, you know, that’s different from saying I sat down to write my 17th summer.


I know a woman in her sixties who is called baby. She was the youngest of three sisters. I remember her as a child and she was always called baby. I actually don't know her real name. I actually know two guys in their thirties whose names are preceded by baby. Example: baby Johnny. They don't call themselves that but everyone in their families does.


I just realized I have a friend with a younger brother her family calls Baby. They are a large family and he was the youngest to come along so that's what they call him.


My family called me Baby for years. I got sick of it one day and told them all at the same time how I hated that name and I never wanted to be called that again. They stopped, kind of. Sometimes, to this day, they slip and call me Baby.


I was always introduced by my parents as "the baby of the family." Like you, I hated that and told them if they must make an issue of my age, they could at least call me their youngest child.

Whereupon my father, who had all the subtlety of a Mack truck, began saying, "This is X, our youngest--not our baby, our youngest." No one was happier than I was to leave home for good.


It's not so much the nickname that stands to me but rather the fact it didn't seem come along until 1963.

"That was the summer everyone called me 'Baby', and it didn't occur to me to mind."

It's one thing to grow up with a juvenile nickname; it's another to be given one so much later in life, relatively speaking.


I'm the youngest of three, the only girl. My brothers were 10 and 12 when I was born in 1953. My dad called me Baby all my life until his death in 1990 when I was in my thirties. He never, that I recall, ever used my given name. He was the only person to call me that. I loved it. I was a daddy's girl through and through and it was very special that he alone called me that. I don't think I'd have liked it if everyone called me that or that I'd ever refer to myself as Baby. I think for most people, it's just an endearment - which is what I considered it. What I wouldn't give to hear him call me that one more time!


Gotta say, your post left me teary eyed.

Thank you for sharing and how lovely that your Dad had a special name just for you!

I've always thought "Baby" was the cutest, loveliest nick name.


I'm not sure she is saying they started calling her that then. I'm thinking maybe because she is narrating about her coming of age that summer is why she said that. She probably was called that all of her life and her family introduced her as "Baby" to the people at the resort so they naturally just called her that too. At the end, Johnny reintroduces her to the audience as Miss Frances Houseman.


"That was the summer everyone called me 'Baby', and it didn't occur to me to mind."

I don't think she meant she started being called "baby" that summer in particular. She's saying during that summer everyone was calling her "baby". During that time in her life...and probably long before. That's my take on it.



I was the youngest and everyone called me munchkin. Now the ladies call me horse.


munchkin is my nickname but it'll carry on for the rest of my life methinks


While my dad didn't call me it exclusively, he often called me 'Babes'.
Even in front of company sometimes. And like Baby in the film, it didn't bother me either.

In fact, even in my teens, he still called me that on occasion. Once, he called a toddler cousin that....and I actually got upset lol!
It was like a reflex action!
I didn't say anything then, but I did mention it to him later. He was surprised by my annoyance, as was I hahaha!

I guess I felt it was a special name for his daughter, not a name for anyone else!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
