Any word on when this lovely film will get a region 1 (North America) DVD release?


I don't know, hope someone does. I have been anxiously awaiting this. One of my favorite films, acting is marvelous and understated. My book club is reading the novelette for our December selection. I have read it many times, and love Joyce and this beautiful adaptation.


Hi, you may like to know that The Dead has just appeared on DVD (WIDESCREEN) here in New Zealand (Region 4). Looks like a very good transfer and is available at an incredibly good price of under $NZ10.
Andrew (a fan)


Yes indeed, a lovely 1.85:1 widescreen transfer of this extraordinary film has just been released here in Australia (region 4) and I too am now a huge fan of this, John Huston's most wonderful, final film. A true masterpiece.



Yeah, I'd like to get a R1 release. It's ridiculous that this AMERICAN film should be ordered from across the world just for us to view it.



If you can play PAL dvds, you can rent the Aussie dvd here:

It's region free but PAL format.


Someone on Ebay is selling them, but they're region 2 and PAL also. Guess I could invest in a region free PAL/NTSC DVD player. Geez, should't be so complicated!


I found a copy to buy for $10 Australian. That's about 7 USD. And then they rebate back 9% tax! International shipping is very reasonable too.

But- you must be able to play region 4 DVDs and PAL. I found a DVD player on Amazon that can be "taught" to play region 4 (and every other region) and has a built in PAL to NTSC converter. All for $50. Now this opens up a whole new world of movies! Looks like I'll be shopping at hmv.com more often!


I know abut the regional coding, but what is PAL?


Just a difference in standards between North American televisions and much of the rest of the world's televisions. NTSC TVs can't play PAL signals and vice versa. But some DVD players have a built in converter that will convert a PAL signal to NTSC.
BTW, I found that my wonderful Australian DVD of the The Dead plays just fine on the DVD ROM drive in my computer. Apparently the computer's drive is capable of playing all regions and PAL!


Released last week in UK by Network. No extras but good to have on DVD.


If tou go to www.tcmdb.com and ask for the dead you will see an area where you can vote to have any film not currently available published.
No promises, the votes are posted for the interest of those who produce DVD's.
Yesterday's Wall St Journal (Allen Berra) cited it as the best Christmas film of all time.
Another great film not available that deserves a vote is The Friends of Eddie Coyle. When you see the junk that is available, it makes you sick.


I was lucky to pick up a copy on vhs a few years ago, but it's time to get it on dvd. I've got a muli-region dvd player and it's come in handy a few times, like for The Dead. Let's face it, there are some movies that will never get released in every format. If you want to wait 5-10 years for online movie downloads you'll be able to get any movie, but until then, multi-region dvd players are the way to go.


It's time for a release in North America. They should also include as an extra the documentary on it.It's supposed to becoming soon to North America. I wasn't that lucky to pick up the VHS version, and only have the taped from TV version on VHS.
Accountants rule!
Studying accounting is difficult!


Just got the DVD as a Christmas gift, ordered from Amazon.com.uk. Also received a region-free DVD player. I love this film like no other, also the story, in the Joyce collection "The Dubliners".

Sadly, karryon (is that like carry-on bags or carrion misspelled?), I must tell you that accountants do not rule, and that studying accounting can't be that difficult, and I know that because I've met the faculty. As a point of fact, nurses rule, and it is very hard even to get into nursing school, harder yet to graduate. The average wait to get into the school where I teach is about two years. And although we admit about 80 to 100 students every semester, usually less than 50 graduate, which is probably about average for schools of nursing around the US.


The post-graduate work in accounting is very difficult...There is over a 50% drop out rate for those that do post-graduate in accounting and of those 50% that stay with it 30% actually get the designation.
I know that all professions all difficult, but apparently it's now as difficult as medical school....As far as I know, accountants rule Hollywood.
I'm seriously considering getting the movie on DVD, but I don't have the player.I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT in REGION 1. At least accountants were not blamed for it's non-release on DVD Region 1.

Accountants rule!
Studying accounting is difficult!


Well, Criterion has released Huston's Under the Volcano last year and they're planning to release Wise Blood this year, so perhaps Criterion could get their hands on The Dead and give it a proper R1 DVD release this movie deserves. John Huston is a brilliant director and I think Criterion would do full justice to his final film.


I'd love ANY region 1 DVD, but a Criterion release would be magnificent. I did suggest it to Criterion a while back, but have never heard anything about if such a release is a possibility.


I'd love ANY region 1 DVD, but a Criterion release would be magnificent. I did suggest it to Criterion a while back, but have never heard anything about if such a release is a possibility.

Probably because Criterion might not have the rights. Vestron Pictures released this in theaters and under the Vestron Video label on home video. Vestron was later abosorbed into Live Entertainment, which became Artisan, which is now Lions Gate.


DVD out November 3rd.



It's about time.
