MovieChat Forums > Catch the Heat Discussion > watching this on THIS

watching this on THIS

"A movie by boobs about boobs that show no boobs except for the boobs who watched this. Catch a nap instead." imdb reviewer...

I am very disappointed i won't see boobs even if I download pirated version. Not sure if wet t-shirt is worth the download.


Lol! I had to watch just because of the description of the movie, it's ending now and the closing credits song is from hell! Besides that a so bad it's good movie.


yeah, but she isn't really a stripper, more of a dancer, so a real let-down :)

now, you want to watch a movie just because of the description...this is it:

Anxious to use artificial life to improve the world, R. S., a bio-geneticist creates a Recipe for Cyborgs and uses her own DNA in order to breed three Self Replicating Automatons, part human, part computer named R., O. and M. The SRA's act as 'portals' on the Internet, helping users to fulfill their dreams. The SRA's are nourished through touch.

Because they were bred only with R.S.'s DNA, they need the balance of an Y chromo or male sperm to survive. R.S. projects seduction scenes from movie clips onto R., which absorbs as she sleeps. The SRA'S can not distinguish dreams from reality. R. acts out these scenes in real life with the men and shares her spoils with her sisters.

However, R.'s encounters suffer from impotence and unexplained rashes. Fearing a bio-gender war, the FBI sends in Agent E. H. to solve the mystery. Puzzled, he turns for help from a private cyber detective. The men recover. R. falls in love and becomes impregnated by S., a xerox shop worker. The characters struggle to find love in a world that no longer needs sex to reproduce, a world that is changing and is populated with people who use provisional identities and are seen through virtual selves and a world where love is the only thing that makes things real.


Um, if they are "Self Replicating Automatons", why would they need "male sperm" (is there another kind?) to survive?

Maybe all they really needed was a kitchen?

Actually, sounds like the plot from a Philip K. Dick short story...
