Celebrity Cameos?

Not just who voiced who but actors doing the CHARACTERS of themselves.

Joan Rivers was cameo'd during the repair shop song as the "can opener, a lamp, and a shaver" doing some stand up comedy.

That cartoon igor was the ceiling lamp in the repair shop, I do not remember where he is from though but he had the very distinct face from other cartoons.

HAL from 2001: A Space Odessey is the home computer in the master's house. They tried to get the calm voice down.

Anything else I missed? Could someone fill me in on Igor? :D Thanks

I also think the character in the old black and white tv is someone but I'm not sure...


The "Igor" is in fact the legendary Peter Lorre, typically cast as the disquieting weirdo. Another reference is the air conditioner, who is meant to resemble Jack Nicholson; both characters were portrayed by Phil Hartman.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Hehe, Phil should have been given free rein to do his whole Nicholson impression.

Who busts the Crimebusters?



I also believe Wynonna is singing the Texas limo's verse in Worthless.


It sounded like the red sports car in Worthless (3rd car into the song) was an impersonation of Little Richard.
