Bogomil hit

How did the bad guys know Bogomil would be leaving that time of day to be able to stage the car break down and subsequent shooting?
He only left early as a result of Lutz suspending him.
Also wonder what their plan B was if Bogomil hadn't stopped to assist.


They probably had someone watching the lot at the station to send the word when he left.


The scene assumes alot. It is not well written.


The whole movie was a mess. From the beginning when all we see is Eddie's bloated ego up there on the screen getting dressed and driving his snazzy car away. I rarely give movies 1/10 but with all the talent available on this one, it really fell short of the original.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonZZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


Stake out. Criminals do it just like cops do it. What was their Plan B if Bogomil didn't stop? Why wouldn't he stop when he's an officer and she's a damsel in distress? If there was a Plan B, it would have been continue to follow him on the road until he stops in his driveway or shoot him down at the local restaurant or bar or at the store. They'd find a way.
