
Wouldn't you think that with the dvd release of Factotum, probably about three months from now, that they would be wanting to re release Barfly on DVD to cash in on the Bukowski phenomenon?

That would be a pretty smart move considering Mickey Rourke's comeback in Sin City. All the meatheads who in life are living like Eddie the bartender, would see Marv on the cover of Barfly, sitting next to Factotum at Blockbuster and this awesome classic would get the modern day attention it deserves. Then the meatheads would realize, "I don't really want to be a dumb go-for-the-money real estate agent/ car salesman/ stock broker. I want to cruise around and truly find what it is i like about the world and myself."

I love this movie and wish more could see it. I even have an original DVD and if they rereleased it, my copy would drop in $ value like a stone in water. But I don't care, cuz Bukowski is the genius of a passing era.




here here... hats off to you



you have no idea what you speak of ... the best part of being a stock broker, lawyer, salesman etc. is that you get paid well, and have lots of opportunities to drink on the job...

theres nothing finer in life than succeeding in societies eyes, and being a full fledged, fully functional alcoholic.
