DVD out of print?

I just looked on Amazon.com to see Barfly listed as "not currently available." Does anyone know if this is some preparation for a new edition? Perhaps some new cover art (this edition is absolutely abysmal) or interviews with Rourke now that he's become popular again? I've never seen the movie and was hoping to order a copy and notice 26 others are looking to do the same. Any info would be appreciated.


Hi, NO i can't find it either, anywhere, not even ebay. I want to get it for a friend. I can't find any information on it. I'll come back here and let you know if I find out anything, and you do the same. =]


most of the people who are now mickey fans due to sin city probably don't deserve a copy as they'll not get it. i'm not being a snob but sin city is an action flick. a great one whatever but an action one none the less. so as far as bukowski fans, i'd imagine few of them will appreciate the film for what it really is as half of them will be twelve.

that said i got mine imported from the states a year ago from www.playusa.com. i just checked and they are out too. so i guess it's happy hunting as it seems to have been discontinued.

the version i have includes director commentary, a 20 or so minute featurette on the making of the film and some excerps from the bukowski tapes (candid interviews with the great man himself with the director). mickey stuff is sparse but he is included in the making of doc. but the best thing is the film itself looks great, sound good enough, but it's not lord of the rings so who needs all that overloaded sound anyway. a great package.

but yes it seems they've either sold out due to demand or something new is being planned.

we shall see

'She can take the dark out of the nighttime, and paint the daytime black.' dylan


Barfly is an under-rated gem of a movie...
I remember first time I saw it, it truly
stuck with me.. Think it will stick with
me for the rest of my life...

And that's a distinction not easily deserved


yeah you got that beatfly vibe goin' on too? i find it great, but fail to manage a consistent lifestyle modelled on it. but effort is made at all convenience.

'with the ability to be able to do anything that he wants to do and findin' nothin'.' rumble fish



not worried about finding the DVD, but imaginary-friend you are quite a snob. How dare you say anyone doesn't deserve a copy of something. Perhaps Rourke's fine performance in Sin City will make people appreciate him and see some of his other work. Who are you to tell people what they can and can't enjoy? I guess since you liked this movie you're only permitted to watch this genre and not action <--- sounds about as intellegent as you. idiot...



Ok, I just got on Amazon.com and they had 16 copies of the movie on DVD, but the cheapest one is $88.93!!!!! The price goes all the way up to something like $123.00!! It is a great movie, but I think I could buy one of the ACTORS for that price!


I LOVED this movie back in the 80's and watched it several times. I would like to see it again but I also can't find a copy to buy and Netflix does not have it availble to rent either. What is the deal? Why would a movie just not be available anymore?


hi, have a copy if you are interested my email address is [email protected]


It is indeed out of print, and an unlikely candidate for any kind of "special" or anniversary re-release. Unless Barbet Schroeder suddenly wins a few best director oscars, or Roarke (sp?) is elected president of the United States, it's probably the end of the line for Barfly.

Used region 1 copies go for about $75 on eBay right now, and that will likely rise as they become more scarce (of course it may also follow that the higher the price, the more will come out of the woodwork).


I was able to download the entire DVD at a torrent site which isn't something I do very often, but anything over $75 for a DVD is outrageous.


Anyone know of a torrent site that would be hosting this? I would have no problem buying the dvd if it were in print but am not going to spend $75+ for this. . .


i'm not 100% sure if they have it but www.torrentspy.com is where i get my torrents. i've only downloaded one movie from it and it was Eddie Murphy's Delirious, but if they had that, they might have Barfly. I'm gonna do a little bit of hunting around to see if I can't find it somewhere to buy. oh yeah and the guy that said something about Sin City fans is a jackass.


I didn't find a DVD of this movie on torrent but a divx file was available and i waited well over a month to download it. Nobody was seeding it for a long time...
Beware of an italian dubbed version that is available on p2p networks!


Wow, I can't believe this is out of print. So glad I got my copy now. I watch this movie at least once a month. And $75 for a DVD is not outrageous. I wouldn't let mine go for any less than $250.


I ordered mine on Ebay and the total came to $31.99 with s/h ofcourse but If you search around you can get it. No one should have to pay 80 somthin dollars for a DVD its not right. They should just release the movie again I can't see why they wouldn't, but I look forward to when I get my copy look forward to seeing it big Rourke Fan! good luck


Hey Guard611 - Was the seller from Greece? I see the movie for $24 and change. If so I take it you got your copy in a timely fashion?


Yes thats the seller from Greece, Got it in great timing well packaged. The writing on the Box itself is in Greek but the movie is all in English quality was fine, I recommend buying from him if you want "Barfly" for a very descent price compared to what is being asked for it other places.


I can't believe what they're charging for this film. I'm watching it now, 3AM PDT, and came to the board to see other opinions. I paid less than $20 for this at Circuit City a few years ago. Now Amazon sellers want $80 bucks for this? Makes no sense. It's a great film but not worth that kind of cash. Has anyone checked out Netflix to see if they have it? Maybe you could rent it from them and just not return it since there's no late fees. Just a thought.




maybe it'll be reprinted to coincide with the release of the Factotum DVD. I hope.


I ordered it from Netflix about 1.5 years ago. I should have kept it and payed the $20.00 fee, but I didn't realize it would be discontinued. I think Factotum coming out, coupled with the discontinuation, made it more valuable and that is why it costs so much. I actually have a copy on BETA, if you can believe it. Every now and then, I hook the old BETA up just to watch it.
