Fuel for Eddie

So every few days when Henry finally ate and got his "fuel" he could kick Eddie's ass? LOL, this movie rules!! So who do you think won the final fight at the end?? Henry didnt have any fuel

"They call this the brown Bomber, cause when you smoke it you get so stoned you *beep* your pants!!"


You're probably right. Henry probably got his ayass kicked. Doesn't matter though, cus he'd fight Eddie three days later anyway.

"So, how much do clothes cost in the Matrix?"


It really dosen't matter. The thing about this film is it's just a few days in the life of people that hang out in this bar. They were like that before we found them, and they'll be like that for a long time. Henry and Eddie will fight again and again.

"Hey you!" "With the dirty dishrag!"

"To all my friennnndds....."


I pretty sure HENRY would have won...
Even though he didn't eat, he another type of fuel, and it's LOVE.
(I'm sure he would been the bartender pretty quickly too)
