MovieChat Forums > Barfly (1987) Discussion > Has anyone used www.videomediaonline. c...

Has anyone used www.videomediaonline. com ?

This seems to be the only place that offers the Barfly DVD

Just want to see if its legit and make sure they dont charge my CC for $1,000 or something haha


I bought it earlier this year for $31.00. They charged my cc the correct amount. I was leary of them too, but I couldn't get it anywhere else. I think its pirated from Russia. the writing on the dvd jacket looks like Russian. Also, you get just the movie, no scene selection, commentary, etc. It definately is not from a U.S. distributor. So, unless they stole my identity somehow or something, I don't think I got ripped off.


Why not just get it on ebay for $20 ?
