Excess bleeding

It seemed Henry had a bleeding problem. He bled excessiviely from his wounds, especially when Wanda hit him on the back of the head with her tiny handbag.


His blood is thin from the alcohol.


and from living in LA


You ever bled? I stubbed the ever living hell out of my toe on a heavy vacuum cleaner in the middle of the night that I didnt see. It looked like a murder scene. I bled all over the freaking place. Then I hobbled into the toilet and sat down and make the mistake of grabbing TP and trying to use it to squeeze my bleeding toenail. About 2 hours later I wake up in a bunch of blood after having passed out. Then I stumbled into my bedroom getting more blood everywhere and slept it off getting blood all over my sheets and bed.

Seriously if a cop had come into that house before I cleaned up he would have pulled his gun out. Now if you have something heavy and hit someone the right way and crack their head. Then yes theres going to be a lot of blood everywhere.


I cracked my head open when I was 9. It was a bloodbath. Much less than this film shows. So I don't think its necessarily unrealistic. Just depends on how deep the gash is and where.

I almost wish I could bring her back so I could feel what it's like to kill her again


What everyone else says is true. Drunks bleed more. Head wounds bleed a LOT more than you would expect. Seriously. Get clocked in the ear just once and you will understand why there's so much blood in that scene.
