MovieChat Forums > Bad Taste (1989) Discussion > Has Bad Taste fallen into public domain?

Has Bad Taste fallen into public domain?

I was just wandering if Bad Taste is public domain. I've seen a couple of public domain movie lists that say it is.



Yet various reliable lists place it within the public domain.


I don't know if it was legal, but I watched part of it on the net tonight (I'm finishing it tomorrow). The site I found it on noted that not everything was public domain, only the older movies they had. When they're busted for having the newer ones I guess they'll remove them, but you can watch Bad Taste online for free as of now.


It's legal. Bad Taste IS Public Domain. I've seen afew $1 DVDs of it selling it in 50 Movie packs. ALL Those films are Public Domain.



Well, it's older than Meet the Feebles, Bigger budget than Meet the Feebles, and Bad Taste was a Home Movie and Meet the Feebles really wasn't. Maybe Meet the Feebles is in Public Domain, but I think the Wingnut team really want to keep the copyright for Meet the Feebles and don't care if Bad Taste is being being distributed without their consent because they've made money on it and probably don't care.


You can also download for free at :

Pull up the channel called "Cult of UHF" is there (and about a hundred other B movies)


You can download any movie for free, it doesnt mean its in public domain, only bootlegged and illegally downloaded.


That is true (altrough not really, there are a few movies that are impossible to find unless you know and have access to the right places, but not much and mostly old and rare stuff), however in this aprticular case it is legal because it is public domain.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Yep - public domain like many others here stated. I saw it finally about an hour ago from a 50 movie pack that cost me like $15 bucks USD.

Chilling Classics


There's more than one way for a movie to enter the public domain. The usual way is for the copyright to expire, which certainly hasn't happened with this movie. But any movie is in the public domain if its copyright holder says it is.

I'm not saying that this film definitely is in the public domain (I don't know), but there's no reason it can't be. I assume Peter Jackson is the copyright holder, and he can make it freely available if he wants to.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


its not in public domain, jackson owns all the right to bad taste. wingnut films confirmed this.


If it's not public domain, then they are getting ripped off, cause it's in a 50 film set I just bought. It's the whole reason I bought it. I couldn't believe it when I saw it was listed on the back.

a brushed nickel colander, stupid...


they are indeed getting ripped off. wingnut films is trying to get the message out and stop these bulk movie sets.


Those 50 movie sets are full of films that are NOT public domain. The people who release them are scam artists and thieves.



It's in the public domain.


Just because it's on the Internet Archive and in those cheapie 50-DVD sets doesn't mean it's public domain. Peter Jackson and Wingnut films own the rights. Call Wingnut to find out.


Yeh all over NZ there are dvd's at the stores I rented it just 2 years ago.

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It's not old enough to be in public domain.


this is coming straight from imdb's FAQ, for what it's worth

Is this film in the public domain? EditHistoryDelete
No. Peter Jackson and Wingnut Films currently own all rights to Bad Taste. This includes distribution. [citation needed] Watching the film online, or downloading it, is an illegal act. There are many movies whose DVD distributors claim are in the public domain but are nevertheless illegal copies. Legitimate copies can be found on some sites, such as ebay, but beware low-quality illegal copies.

There are also copies of the DVD in video stores in New Zealand.


I don't think Bad Taste has fallen in public domain territory. But one's thing for sure, it high time for another DVD release. I would recommend Blue Underground to release a new SE.


it aint going to happen, peter jackson owns all rights again, including distribution.


You're right. I called Anchor Bay asking if they still retain the rights, but lost it years ago and rights went back to WingNut. But Bad Tatse was released by WingNut Films in Australia while it was released independantly in the U.S. so hypothetically speaking, some DVD company in U.S. (that being Blue Underground) should buy the rights as long as Peter Jackson gives permission. In likewise, he should. 'Cuz in America, the film was released in 1989 and 2009 will mark the film's 20th Anniversary the U.S. Thus, being a reason to re-release the film on DVD (and hopefully Blu-Ray.). We can hope in 2009. ;)



>Image quality is a lot better than the Anchor Bay Release.

not quite, its the exact same print, but converted to PAL, resulting in frames blended together and an overall softer image.

See the 7th image down;


No it's not.

Peter Jackson and Wingnut Films owns the rights and the only legal release in R1 was the 2 disc release from Anchor Bay. Anything else is a bootleg copy of the old VHS from the 80's.


I own that Two-Disc Limited Edition DVD

its actually one of my earliest DVD purchases in my collection (Along with Contamination and Blue Sunshine)

I warned you not to go out tonight


There is a new German XT Video release, which must be a legit release, as it apparently ports the audio commentary from the universal Australian release.

>>I own that Two-Disc Limited Edition DVD<<

Check out the booklet, last page :) although my site doesn't exist anymore.

