MovieChat Forums > Bad Taste (1989) Discussion > Peter Jackson's best film.

Peter Jackson's best film.

This film is far superior to The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

"In celluloid we trust." -Herzog


Damn straight! this is New Zealands best film to ever.


I really did like this movie, but I have to say the Dead Alive won me over with all the gross-out gore and laughs more than this on.

Remember, you are fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did.


lol agreed


I bet you always say THX 1138 is the greatest George Lucas movie..

If this is so great and LOTR bad, you should say "this is superior to Braindead" (which is awesome movie).


lol of course it is, almost every movie is better than LOTR trilogy. But Brain Dead is much better than Bad Taste.


Absolutely! But then again Lord of the Rings and King Kong are Peter Jacksons worst works by a long margin. He works best the bigger his limitations are it seems.






Agreed! With Braindead coming in at second. Peter Jackson's earlier films were full of originality, humour, creativity, fun and passion for film making. Went downhill big time after The Frighteners.




I definitely miss the humor. Peter Jackson is great at what he does, but I would love to see him still do a film every now and then that is a throwback to the early days.

Sail away tiny sparrow...


While I should not say far superior. I agree I'm more entertained by this than Lord of the rings.
This is by far one of the best splatter movies ever made and the camera work in this one is one of the best in any movie.



Yeah this is Peter Jackson's greatest movie in my opinion Dead Alive is awesome too but I prefer Bad Taste
