Pick Me Up

During the movie, after a night of drinking several "Stunned Mullets", The Big Kahuna is left with a bad hangover. Michael then makes him a "pick me up" that seems to cure hangovers. I was curious if anyone could catch what the "pick me up" was made of? So far I was able to catch the last 2 of 4 ingredients. A scoop of coffee and a can of pepsi. The first two ingredients look like it might be some sort of alka seltzer and asprin. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance


It's definately alka seltzer, not sure what the other thing is, though!


Ask Keith Richards. He drinks 'em all the time!

"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."


1st- 3 Alka seltzers
2nd- 8 Tylenols
3rd- 1 scoop of Folgers coffee
4th- Pepsi

* Thanks, bitch! *
