One of my favorites...

Among other favorites like Mulholland Dr., Shawshank Redemption, Donnie Darko & American Beauty. Back to the Beach is seriously one of my favorite movies ever.

I'm hoping it gets a DVD release someday soon.


Ska Ska Ska. Jamaica Ska. I like all of your movies too except Mulholland Dr. which left me frustrated for days. Ride the Snake.


It will release on June 1st.


Yup, I'm a big fan of this movie, too. I saw it when it came out back in '87 and enjoyed very much. Saw it the other night on cable and still thought it was a lot of fun. Very cute, very silly. If you don't take it too seriously, It'll put a smile on your face!



It is one of the greats because any one who is a fan of the "Beach Party Movies" loves to see the old gang back together years later. It is one of those movies that gives you an idea of what those characters would be doing now. I know, goofy but fun in the same right.


I love it too and always have! I MUST get it on DVD. When this movie came out I was give and I watched it all the time after it came out on video and my favorite part was the pajama party. Their pajamas were so pretty! But, this movie really is fun, it's a tongue in cheek joke about the beach blanket flicks and it does have fun music and great cameos. Also, it totally encompasses the 80's!!!!! LOVES IT!


I watched this movie so much as a kid. I still have it on tape, but haven't watched it, in a long time.


I also like the pajama party!! And I totally agree with you, great pajamas! Especially Lori Loughlin's pajamas (Sandi's), they were so pretty and she looked so cute in them and with her ponytail and everything... So sweet!

I liked this movie, it was fun to watch! Just a simple beach movie which doesn't have to be taken seriously. I thought it was funny when Annette started to sing "Jamaica Ska" and started dancing and everyone joined her!

Get on with your life, if it's meant to happen, it'll happen.


I haven't seen this movie in a while but the thing I remember is how the actors spoofed themselves. I ended up at this site while researching Lori Loughlin (I had just seen her as one of Jerry's girlfriends on Seinfeld). I was in my early teens when the Beach Party movies came out and like other posters have said, this movie was good as long as you don't take it seriously and don't look for any hidden meaning.


You have diverse tastes, but so do I because I love all the films you mentioned -- including this one. I found this film on VHS for a buck in the thrift store, and what a bargain! It's a lot of fun -- good, clean, stoopid fun. Great soundtrack too.
